Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Year of Living

I have waited to post this until today because I wanted to make sure I wouldn't fail right out of the gate. So far so good.

My resolution this year has been many things over the last few weeks. This little family of mine is growing and changing so quickly that I want to make an effort to savor the year to come as much as I can.

Over the last year I have had so many assorted cute little elderly folk tell me to enjoy this time while it lasts. While my son is a baby, while my husband and I are still young, while my stepdaughter is still a child and not the dreaded teenager. So, my resolution is to try and really enjoy my life and be present.

Additional resolutions...
Buy more organic:
The fewer chemicals I am pumping into my family the better.

Cooking at home:
Hopefully this will create a quality time tradition with my family. Also I am hoping it will direct our finances that we usually throw at restaurants in a more productive direction. My husband and I got into the habit of eating out because we both worked insane schedules which gave us extra pocket money, little free time, and even less time together. So we spent the money and time eating out instead of slaving in the kitchen. Alright, now that I have my excuse out of the way... I am a Stay at Home Mom now so, while I have my rugrat pulling on my apron strings, I have no excuse to stay out of the kitchen. My husband, however, hardly has time to get a haircut let alone cook. (Even as I write this I have a friend calling with a dinner invitation that is oh so painful for me to turn down. But for the greater good I will. Damn.)

Lower my voice:
I raise my voice too much. I don't want my child's earliest memories to be of me shouting. My husband will also appreciate this resolution.

Knit some things for myself:
I am constantly giving away my handiwork, I need a couple hand knitted items for myself.

Make some family traditions of our own:
This past year has been a series of sore disappointments involving our extended family. Lots of squabble and stress that has put such a strain on our happiness. So I think we are going to focus our energy inward and really try and nurture our own little bitty family.

Return the netflix disc after we watch the dang movie.

Grow a garden.

Lose 10lbs... I had to throw that in here so I wouldn't feel so bad if I broke one of my resolutions.

I hope everyone has a wonderful year.

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